Retail Development
With a focus on small-scale, community serving retail, this course explores the ways in which the pandemic highlighted the value of essential, small businesses in our communities.
Introduction to the Real Estate Development Process
Real estate development is a complex and multifaceted process. This course will deliver the basics of real estate development including: the stages of development, sources of data, funding and financing, sustainability, and the role of regulations.
Introduction to Mixed Use Development
This course will cover the history of mixed use development, explore what is meant by highest and best use, explain the design and entitlement processes for mixed use development, as well as operations of mixed use developments.
Foundations of the Development Process
This course is designed to take participants through the development process from the developer’s point of view, from planning and site selection to construction, lease-up, and sale or disposition of the property.
Foundations of Commercial Real Estate
In this introduction to commercial real estate, you will learn about the factors that affect multifamily and office sector valuation.