
Welcome to the Course!
Before you begin...
Course Introduction
Pre-Quiz Self Assessment
The Basics
The Evolution of Pro Formas
Static Feasibility Analysis
Residual Land Value
Sensitivity Analysis
The Pre-Development Stage
Financing the Pre-Development Stage
Fixing and Refining the Data
The Interaction of Entitlements and the Pro Forma
The Interaction of Entitlements and the Pro Forma- Financing with a Loan
The Interaction of Entitlements and the Pro Forma- Construction Costs and Affordable Housing
The Interaction of Entitlements and the Pro Forma- Development Costs
Construction Costs - Horizontal and Veritical
Construction Costs - Soft Costs
Cost Estimates - Allowances
Why Excel Modeling for Development is Different from Modeling for Investment
Basic Elements of Leverage and Capital Stack
Simple Leverage Example
Real World Example Pro Formas that Cover Construction and the Start-up Period
Special Issues with Modeling the Construction Phase
Special Issues with Modeling the Start-up Operations Phase
Review of a Complex Model for Demonstration Purposes I
Review of a Complex Model for Demonstration Purposes II
Checklist, Information Sources, and Follow-up Possibilities
Sources of Information and Recommended Resources
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
Pro Forma II: A Development Pro Forma Quiz
Next Steps
Before you go...


Welcome to the Course!
Before you begin...
Course Introduction
Pre-Quiz Self Assessment
The Basics
The Evolution of Pro Formas
Static Feasibility Analysis
Residual Land Value
Sensitivity Analysis
The Pre-Development Stage
Financing the Pre-Development Stage
Fixing and Refining the Data
The Interaction of Entitlements and the Pro Forma
The Interaction of Entitlements and the Pro Forma- Financing with a Loan
The Interaction of Entitlements and the Pro Forma- Construction Costs and Affordable Housing
The Interaction of Entitlements and the Pro Forma- Development Costs
Construction Costs - Horizontal and Veritical
Construction Costs - Soft Costs
Cost Estimates - Allowances
Why Excel Modeling for Development is Different from Modeling for Investment
Basic Elements of Leverage and Capital Stack
Simple Leverage Example
Real World Example Pro Formas that Cover Construction and the Start-up Period
Special Issues with Modeling the Construction Phase
Special Issues with Modeling the Start-up Operations Phase
Review of a Complex Model for Demonstration Purposes I
Review of a Complex Model for Demonstration Purposes II
Checklist, Information Sources, and Follow-up Possibilities
Sources of Information and Recommended Resources
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
Pro Forma II: A Development Pro Forma Quiz
Next Steps
Before you go...