
Welcome to the Course!
Before you begin...
Introduction to Waterfall Structures
Part 1: Distributing Operating Cashflow
Part 2: Waterfall Distribution of Terminal
Excel Modeling: Financial Performance for Each Partner
Modifying Basic Model for More Flexibility
Separating Tier One and Tier Two Cashflows
Modeling Unpaid Preferred Return that is Not Compounded
Modeling for Flexibility Based on Hurdle Rate
Different Approaches to Modeling with a Hurdle Rate Requirement
Permitting the Promote Before the Property is Sold
Multiple Tier Waterfall Structure
When GP and LP Do Not Receive Cashflow Simultaneously
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
Pro Forma II: Investment Waterfalls Quiz
Before you go...


Welcome to the Course!
Before you begin...
Introduction to Waterfall Structures
Part 1: Distributing Operating Cashflow
Part 2: Waterfall Distribution of Terminal
Excel Modeling: Financial Performance for Each Partner
Modifying Basic Model for More Flexibility
Separating Tier One and Tier Two Cashflows
Modeling Unpaid Preferred Return that is Not Compounded
Modeling for Flexibility Based on Hurdle Rate
Different Approaches to Modeling with a Hurdle Rate Requirement
Permitting the Promote Before the Property is Sold
Multiple Tier Waterfall Structure
When GP and LP Do Not Receive Cashflow Simultaneously
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
Pro Forma II: Investment Waterfalls Quiz
Before you go...