
Before you begin...
The UrbanPlan Volunteer Process
What is UrbanPlan
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
What is UrbanPlan and Why are Volunteers Important? Quiz
How it Works
Volunteer Cheatsheet
About this section
The RFP and Design Guidelines
Participant Roles
The Site Plan
Building Types
Community Groups and Needs
Financial Model
Volunteer Resource Packet
UrbanPlan Student Handbook
Canadian Handbook
Your Role as a Volunteer
Volunteer Roles: Facilitator
Volunteer Roles: City Council Member
Blind Spots: Overcome Stereotypes
How to Ask Questions for UrbanPlan
The Art of Asking Questions from HBR
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
Being an Effective Volunteer Quiz
ULI's Mission
Volunteer Guidelines
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
Being a ULI Ambassador Quiz
After Finishing Training
Continue Your Learning
Before you go...


Before you begin...
The UrbanPlan Volunteer Process
What is UrbanPlan
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
What is UrbanPlan and Why are Volunteers Important? Quiz
How it Works
Volunteer Cheatsheet
About this section
The RFP and Design Guidelines
Participant Roles
The Site Plan
Building Types
Community Groups and Needs
Financial Model
Volunteer Resource Packet
UrbanPlan Student Handbook
Canadian Handbook
Your Role as a Volunteer
Volunteer Roles: Facilitator
Volunteer Roles: City Council Member
Blind Spots: Overcome Stereotypes
How to Ask Questions for UrbanPlan
The Art of Asking Questions from HBR
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
Being an Effective Volunteer Quiz
ULI's Mission
Volunteer Guidelines
Up Next: Test Your Knowledge
Being a ULI Ambassador Quiz
After Finishing Training
Continue Your Learning
Before you go...