David Greensfelder

Founder and Managing Principal,
Greensfelder Real Estate Strategy

David Greensfelder, founder and Managing Principal, always focuses on real world, implementable real estate strategies and solutions for commercial (retail and office) and mixed-use projects. He has driven more than 350 projects spanning over 7 million SF with a finish market value estimated at over $1.25 billion.

David is a specialist in economic development and redevelopment planning, retail resiliency, understanding retail opportunities by differentiating between commodity and specialty retail, and analyzing the impacts of competing retail channels on bricks-and-mortar storefronts. David recently authored the Retail and Last Mile narrative in ULI-PWC’s 2019 Emerging Trends in Real Estate where he discussed how influencers, platforms, an evolving landlord-tenant relationship, and a new equilibrium between retail and other product types is reshaping the retail landscape, and how the “last mile” is the least understood and biggest force impacting all product types. David serves on National Academy of Sciences NCHRP research panels as an urban economics and last-mile expert.

David has managed the corporate real estate function for Fortune 500 companies such as Longs Drugs, and start-up and emerging companies such as solar firm Sungevity and Community Foods Market. David has implemented preferred development programs for Fortune 10 companies such as CVS/health as well as multi-channel start-ups. Skilled at managing organizational dynamics, and community and public meetings, David knows how to navigate organizational dynamics, how to diffuse opposition, and values transparency and open communication.

David frequently lectures at UC Berkeley’s Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, and MRED+D programs (where he is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow), the Haas Graduate School of Business, at USC’s Lusk Center for Real Estate Development, and teaches ULI’s Mixed-use Development Best Practices Professional Development program. He is a Director of Satellite Affordable Housing Associates and the Center for Creative Land Recycling, is an active ULI member (Urban Revitalization Council, Advisory Services, Education programs, and UrbanPlan and UP4PO steering committee, instructor, and trainer), and ICSC’s P3 National Steering Committee. David graduated from Pitzer College (The Claremont Colleges) with a degree in Business Economics, and the SciARC Foundation Program.